Frequently Asked Questions
On this page, you will find additional general information about your treatment and advice for home care after a procedure.
How often should I go to the dentist?
De algemene aanbeveling is om ten minste één keer per jaar een tandarts te bezoeken voor een routinecontrole.
These annual visits allow dentists to monitor your oral health and identify any problems early. In addition, you will receive the necessary preventive care on time, such as professional cleanings to remove plaque and tartar that can accumulate despite good home care.
Personal health factors, age, and risk factors may mean that some people need to visit the dentist more often. This may be the case for children, the elderly, pregnant women, and people with a history of dental problems or other indicators such as diabetes, smoking, or a weakened immune system.
It is important to work with your dentist to create a personalized visit schedule that fits your specific health needs.
Hoe kan ik cariës voorkomen?
Caries, better known as tooth decay, is one of the most common health problems worldwide. The good news is that caries is largely preventable with proper care and habits.
Fundamentele Preventiestrategieën
- Mondhygiëne:
- Toothbrushing: Brush at least twice a day with fluoride-containing toothpaste. Fluoride helps strengthen tooth enamel and protects against tooth decay. Do this at least 30 minutes after meals and preferably electrically with a soft toothbrush. Replace your toothbrush every 3 to 4 months or sooner if the bristles are worn out.
- Flossing: Floss daily to remove food particles and plaque that has built up between the teeth.
- Mouthwash: Use an antiseptic mouthwash to reduce bacteria and clean hard-to-reach areas.
- Nutrition:
- Limit sugar intake: Limit the intake of sugary and acidic foods and drinks. Bacteria in the mouth convert sugar into acids that can attack tooth enamel.
- Healthy snacks: Choose healthy snacks such as vegetables, nuts and cheese, which are less harmful to teeth and gums.
- Drink water: Drink plenty of water, especially after eating, to flush out food particles and sugars and stimulate saliva production.
- Professional Care:
- Regular Checks: Visit the dentist at least once a year for a check-up and professional cleaning. The dentist can detect and treat signs of tooth decay early.
- Protective Treatments: Consider preventive treatments such as fluoride treatments or sealants (fissure varnishes) that provide a protective layer against caries.
In which languages ​​can Amidentis help me?
Our entire team speaks Dutch, English and French.
Zijn Tandheelkundige Röntgenfoto's Veilig?
Dental X-rays are essential diagnostic tools that help dentists thoroughly assess the health of your teeth, jaw, and mouth. They help identify problems that are not visible during a visual dental checkup, such as hidden tooth decay, root problems, abnormal growth, and other dental abnormalities.
Veel patiënten hebben echter vragen over de veiligheid van deze röntgenfoto’s.
Veiligheidsaspecten van Tandheelkundige Röntgenfoto’s
- Low Radiation Dose:
- Tandheelkundige röntgenfoto’s vereisen een zeer lage stralingsdosis, vooral vergeleken met andere medische beeldvormende procedures.
- De technologie heeft zich ontwikkeld naar digitale röntgenfoto’s, die nog minder straling gebruiken dan traditionele methoden.
- Safety precautions:
- Lead Aprons: Tijdens het maken van röntgenfoto’s wordt een loden schort gebruikt om het lichaam te beschermen, vooral bij zwangere vrouwen en kinderen.
- Radiation guidelines: Dentists follow strict guidelines on the use of X-rays, such as the ALARA principle (As Low As Reasonably Achievable), which means that radiation exposure is kept as low as possible.
- Risk vs. Benefit:
- Hoewel elke blootstelling aan straling risico’s met zich meebrengt, zijn de gezondheidsrisico’s van tandheelkundige röntgenfoto’s zeer laag in vergelijking met de voordelen van het opsporen van ernstige mondgezondheidsproblemen.
Aanbevelingen voor Patiënten
- Communication with your Dentist: Bespreek eventuele zorgen over röntgenfoto’s met uw tandarts. We kunnen uitleggen waarom een röntgenfoto nodig is en hoe zij de veiligheid waarborgen.
- Regular Review: De behoefte aan röntgenfoto’s wordt beoordeeld op basis van individuele gezondheidsbehoeften. Niet iedereen heeft bij elk bezoek röntgenfoto’s nodig.
Conclusion Dental X-rays are a safe and crucial tool for diagnosing and treating many dental conditions. With modern safety measures and technology, the risk is minimal, while the health benefits are significant. Good communication with your dentist and understanding the necessity and safety procedures can help ease any fears.
What are the Signs of Gum Disease?
Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a common but often preventable condition that affects the gums and structures that support the teeth. It is crucial to recognize the signs of this disease early to prevent serious dental problems and tooth loss.
Early Sign of Gum Disease (Gingivitis)
- Redness: The gums may look red and swollen, indicating inflammation.
- Swelling: Lichte zwelling of “opgeblazen” aspect van het tandvlees.
- Bleeding: Bleeding while brushing or flossing is one of the most common early signs.
- Sensitivity: The gums may be sensitive to the touch or when eating cold, hot, or sweet foods.
Advanced Gum Disease (Periodontitis)
- Receding Gums: The gums can recede from the teeth, making the teeth appear longer.
- Deep Pockets: The formation of deep spaces between teeth and gums, where bacteria can accumulate.
- Loose Teeth: Teeth can loosen due to the breakdown of the tissue and bone that support the teeth.
- Pus: The presence of pus between the teeth and gums indicates a serious infection.
- Bad breath: Persistent bad breath or a bad taste in the mouth can indicate periodontal disease.
Risk factors
- Slechte Mondhygiëne: Inadequate brushing and flossing are major causes.
- Smoking: Smoking is one of the most significant risk factors for the development and progression of gum disease.
- Diabetes: People with diabetes are particularly susceptible to gum disease.
- Genetic predisposition: Genetic factors can increase a person's susceptibility to gum disease.
Prevention and Treatment
- Goede Mondhygiëne: Brush regularly with fluoride toothpaste, floss daily, and use mouthwash.
- Regular Dental Check-ups: Visit your dentist at least twice a year for a professional cleaning and check-up.
- Quit smoking: Quitting smoking can help significantly reduce the risk of gum disease.
Conclusion Recognizing the signs of gum disease is essential for prevention and early treatment. Early intervention can help prevent serious health problems and maintain your overall oral health. Talk to your dentist if you notice signs of gum disease for timely and effective treatment.